Resultados: 8

Salient Beliefs in the Intention for Self-Care Behaviors when Facing Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnant Women

Aquichan; 23 (2), 2023
Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy represent a maternal and perinatal health problem. Therefore, it is important to identify the beliefs preceding the determinants of health behaviors during pregnancy. Objective: To identify the salient beliefs in the intention for self-care behaviors when...

Diseño y validación del cuestionario de autocuidado preventivo del pie diabético NAPD

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 19 (3), 2022
Objetivo: Realizar el diseño y la validación del cuestionario “Nivel de autocuidado en la prevención del pie diabético” en términos de su contenido, constructo, confiabilidad y sen-sibilidad. Material y método: Estudio psicométrico desarrollado en tres fases: diseño de...

Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Exclusive Breastfeeding Intention, In Pregnant Nulliparous Women. A Cross-Sectional Study

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Abstract Objective. This study investigated the effect of Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (ETPB) extended theory of planned behavior in comparison with the Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) in explaining the intention of Exclusive Breastfeeding Intention (EBF) in Pregnant nulliparous women of Kerman ...

Consumo de tabaco y alcohol y comportamientos de salud entre estudiantes de enfermería

Av. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Objective: To evaluate the association between attitudes, health behaviors, and the use of tobacco and alcohol among nursing students. Materials and method: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted with 182 undergraduate nursing students in the countryside of São Paulo, Brazil. Socio...

Promoting health literacy through the teach back method among Iranian health ambassadors: A randomized controlled trial

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (1), 2022
Objective. Describe the effect the teach back method on promoting the health literacy of health ambassadors in Urmia County in 2020. Methods. In the present quasi-experiment, 200 persons over 14 years old participated. They were divided into two research groups, a control (n=100) and an intervention (n=...

Factores relacionados con los síntomas depresivos en estudiantes universitarios

Aquichan; 21 (3), 2021
Objetivo: identificar e discutir a frequência da sintomatologia depressiva e seus fatores associados em estudantes universitários. Materiais e método: trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em uma instituição de ensino superior. O estudo foi desenvolvido ...

Autoesquemas de ejercicio físico reportados por adultos mayores, Monterrey México

Invest. educ. enferm; 24 (2), 2006
Objetivo: explorar si los adultos mayores poseen esquemas relacionados con el ejercicio físico y si ello se refleja en su conducta, para examinar la posibilidad de que enfermería trabaje en torno a la reestructuración de ellos, dado que en Monterrey, México, todavía son escasos los adultos mayores q...